




積分: 131

發表於 07-3-19 03:12 |只看該作者

my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

Dear all,

My son is 1 year old lar! I still plan to breastfeed him, however I am not sure the frequency of feeding? some said I should feed him 4-5 times, some said only once in the morning and once before going to bed.

I am direct feeding, how will the infants react at breastfeeding as they grow older?

and unfortunately, my son has to breastfeed to nap and sleep.... just worry he won't be taking his nap if I cut the number of feeds in daytime.... yeah! kind of a bad habit.....

Please share your experience with me.


積分: 1964

發表於 07-3-19 12:09 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

我都有同樣問題, 希望有高人指點迷津...

我個仔都快一歲, 早晚埋身餵, 日間工人會比1-2次冰奶, 但近排佢唔係好肯飲冰奶, 我下星期可能要出差, 會第一次晚上不在他身邊, 很怕他不肯入睡或醒很多次, 點算...

還有大概幾時可以唔駛在公司泵奶? 請分享.


積分: 5736

發表於 07-3-19 16:17 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

睇你自己覺得點啦, 我就o係佢5,6個月開始就已經係set schedule同佢食奶, 我唔想當左食奶好似食buffet咁


積分: 131

發表於 07-3-25 04:16 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

Thanx cherrian for sharing. I checked with two doctors, one told me to feed as much as we want (me and my son) as long as this does not affect his appetite. one told me to drop feeding, only twice.

but my lactation consultant told me to feed him at least 3-4 times a day.

I think I will keep on feeding 3-4 times a day, as his appetite is quite okay.


積分: 480

發表於 07-3-25 04:39 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

佢揮手(said no)

now bf 3-4 time a day
& one time fruit
& one time congee


積分: 7

發表於 07-3-25 23:08 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

my daughter also is 1 yr old, i bf her 3 times a day with 2 congee.
1. 0615-0640am bf (depend on when she woke up)
sleep again till around 0900-0930am
2. 1040-1100am congee
1200 noon nap half hrs
3. 0230-0300pm bf
0400pm nap half hrs
4. 0615-0630pm congee
5. 0820-0830pm bf, then sleep until morning
for those nap time, try not to let bb suck until fall asleep, try to tell him that's enough and u're a good boy and put down in bed.
first few days he may cry a lot, but he will get used to it and understand he have to sleep by himself. i train my daughter using this way and now when i put her down for nap, she will give him a blow kiss and go to sleep.


積分: 131

發表於 07-3-26 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?


Wow, your daughter very smart, can evern turn you down on feeding!!!!

How long did it take you to train your daughter not to suck to sleep? I tried, but I am not persistent enough.... plus my son can go without napping, it is only past three weeks that I successfully establish a regular nap time at 1:00 pm for him. It is only at night time that he does not need to suck to sleep.
will try train him for naps then!

BTW are you moms full time mom? and direct feeding your babies?


積分: 7

發表於 07-4-1 22:37 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

yes, i am full time mom and feed directly.
just only 2-3 wks(around), then she knows very well. every time i tell her "mom loves u very much, u r a good girl. now, u should go to sleep la."but make sure u hug her for a while, don't put your bb down to bed right after feeding.


積分: 1118

發表於 07-4-4 10:54 |只看該作者

Re: my son is 1 yr old, what should be the breastfeeding frequency?

dear all mamis,
i'm a bf mom for 7 momths. now my bb eat 2 times of congee and 3 - 4 times of bf daily.
but sometimes i feel there is breast engourgment between bb's meal time. so i need to pump the breast. do any one have such experience? do i need to pump the breast or just wait until BB feel hungry/



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